Recently visited Taipei to see my sister, who decided to hide away in Taiwan after college graduation to escape the realities of adulthood (JK she’s actually teaching English at a private elementary school, waking up at 5 in the morning, 5 days a week, for her 2 hour commute to school) but like yeah, adulthood.

Remembering the fond memories I had last year munching on food bestowed by the gods of nourishment, I decided to share the brilliance that is Taiwanese cuisine. With my bulky nikon in my left hand, my portable chopsticks in my right, and don’t forget, my fanny pack on my ever-growing waist to store more delectable goodies, I was ready.
But like the time I almost didn’t make my first international flight because my passport arrived 2 hours before departure, or like the time I got lost in Rome with my fellow scrubs because the subway closed at like 5pm, something always goes wrong. This time, Momma Chen got the flu and we spent 3 days at home, eating nothing food from the 7-11 next to my uncle’s house (But I’m just gonna say, 7-11 in Taipei has some bomb food)

Nonetheless, in the two days we were out in Taipei, we tried to eat as much as we could, because like, how could you not in the food capital of the world.

We managed to eat some of Taiwan’s staples: Stinky Tofu, Beef Noodle Soup, Boba, Pork Braised Rice… We even had some time for Afternoon Tea (which is a thing in Taipei for some reason) and to visit the world’s cheapest Michelin Star restaurant (Tim Ho Wan), home to the most delicious pork buns I’ve ever eaten. You guys don’t understand, the bun is so flaky and the inside is so sweet… the video doesn’t even do it justice. SO GOOD. Tim Ho Wan is from Hong Kong but I mean, we ate it at Taipei sooooo….

Also calories don’t count when you’re on vacation.
Anyways, enjoy the video! There are also some educational snippets of Mama Chen teaching us facts about Taiwanese cuisine. ^^
Remember to remind your beating heart to be still and DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, WATCH THIS ON AN EMPTY STOMACH.
I’m not responsible for anything–your hunger pains, my gpa, class readings, feeding the dog… nope. not me. bye.