
7 Ways Kendo Can Solve All Your Problems

Note: All Vines are original creations by Yale Kendo.

1. Swords.*

kendo1 *Disclaimer: Bamboo; does not actually cut flesh, except very bluntly.

(James Ting)

2. You can be a Dementor.

kendo2 “A Dementor is a non-being and Dark creature, considered one of the foulest to inhabit the world. Dementors feed upon human happiness…”

(James Ting)

3. Got a bad grade? Hate your TF? Does your entire class hate him/her too??



4. Are you getting sexiled every night but are too passive aggressive to do anything about it? 


5. Is it your THIRD YEAR in a DOUBLE?? Or worse – It’s Thursday but there are NO. CHICKEN. TENDERS???

F U C K   T H E   S Y S T E M


6. And what about real life problems? Like, what if you CAN’T. GET. A JOB INTERVIEW???!?!11

Get featured in an Alex Clare music video, make millions, drop out of school, retire at 35. Bam. Kendo allowing seniors to take 3 credit semesters and hit up Toads twice a week since 1997.

1:15 for the action.

(Alex Clare, Youtube, Uproxx)

7. But you do you. You handle your rage the way you want to. Just know that Kendo is here for you.



Kermit The Frog Drinking Tea - This tea is actually Hennessy But that's none of your business.

(James Ting, Memegenerator)

Check out Yale Kendo! They have practice on Fridays at 5:30pm in Payne Whitney. Contact James Ting at if you have some rage boiling inside you.