
5 Everyday Moments Expressed Through Taekwondo

Note: All Vines are original creations by Yale Taekwondo. 

1. That first exam of the semester

Aka, Yale handing your ass back to you:

But then you’re like: Bring It.  And you punch out all your work like you’re doing multiple double wam-bams.

2.  When you’ve had some coffee. And Redbull. And maybe a nap. And it’s 2am and you’re ready to start a paper that is due before your TF wakes up:

This is Jesus.*  He doesn’t just walk on water.  He can fly over people too.

*Jesus Caro, MC 2016. Yeah, he’s literally Jesus.

3. Feeling safe and prepared while walking through sketchy New Haven because you know Taekwondo, bitch:

4. When the section asshole has taken a new level, you just want to be like:

But then you manage to restrain yourself: 

5.  Accidentally bowing before a class because that’s what you’re used to doing a Taekwondo practice:

Go Yale Taekwondo!!

Come check out Yale Taekwondo at Night Market this Friday, October 3, between the JE/Branford walkway! They’ll be on at 8:15pm.